
Co-op Awards / Garden Awards

Co-op Awards

CHFT recognizes excellence and achievement in co-operative housing with our annual Co-op Awards, highlighting a number of categories and aspects of co-op living, such as Long-Term Contribution and Living in Diversity.

2023 Co-op Awards

2022 Co-op Awards

2021 Co-op Awards

2020 Co-op Awards

2019 Co-op Awards

Garden Awards

In addition, CHFT makes special effort to recognize co-ops that make their homes beautiful with flower and vegetable gardens.

2023 Garden Awards

2022 Garden Awards

2021 Garden Awards

2020 Garden Awards

2019 Garden Awards

Co-op Anniversary Awards

CHFT recognizes milestone anniversaries for our co-op members each year with colourful and eye-catching plaques.

2024 Co-op Anniversary Awards

2023 Co-op Anniversary Awards

2022 Co-op Anniversary Awards

2021 Co-op Anniversary Awards

2020 Co-op Anniversary Awards

2019 Co-op Anniversary Awards