Education & Events

AM session: Getting our co-op principles right

Saturday May 3, 2025
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Location: Oakham House
55 Gould Street
Toronto, ON M5B 1E9 (map)

This is one of two morning session options for the Spring 2025 In-Person Education Event on Saturday, May 3, 2025. The other option in this time slot is Membership committee. The afternoon workshops are Bullying – how to recognize, work with and protect against it and Working together to plan for success.

Fee: Registration for the full-day Education Event is $130 per person for the first two participants. Any additional people who register from your co-op will receive a 50% discount.

The fee covers a choice of two workshops (one morning session and one afternoon session), as well as pastries and coffee or tea in the morning, two breaks and a hot lunch.

We have very limited space for this event and we expect it to sell out. Register today!

Facilitator: Susanna Redekop


CHF Canada has produced a new version of their document, ‘Getting Our Co-op Principles Right’, with consultants from Freedom Dreams Co-operative Education. This resource helps to bring the co-operative principles into the everyday lives and operations of housing co-op members, boards, and staff. The new document has been written for today’s Canadian housing co-op context and demonstrates how the co-operative principles are aligned with values of justice, equity, diversity, decolonization, and inclusion (JEDDI). Come to this workshop to have a look at the new resource and learn how to use it in your co-op to foster member engagement and sustainability practices.